If you would like to stay at Old Milton, simply check availability below to begin your booking enquiry.

We have several booking options available, including concierge, catered and self catered (additional information below). Please indicate your preference in the booking enquiry.

Prices start at £4900 a week. Shorter stays are permitted from September to June.

Availability Calendar

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Booking Information

Booking options include:


A full-time housekeeper and in-house cook are available for any guests looking to take advantage of the full concierge service, which also includes the planning and management of your entire trip tailored to you and your party’s requirements.


For those looking for catering assistance, we can arrange an in-house cook for the duration of your stay, as well as a housekeeper.


All main supermarket chains deliver to Old Milton and there is a Co-Op in the local town of Kingussie, which is a 5 minute drive away. There is also an array of restaurants in Aviemore, a 20 minute drive, and the surrounding area.

A deposit will be requested upon booking.